Douglas Brown
Chairman, HealthyMe

While completing his degree at Saint Louis University, Doug joined Enterprise Rent-a-Car part time as “lucky” employee #13 and 30 years later retired his stock and entered the world of golf, fishing, public speaking, private investing and, increasingly, philanthropy. In addition to HealthyMe, Doug’s on the board of The Maltz Jupiter Theater and Jupiter Medical Center Foundation, St. Louis University School of Medicine and Habitat for Neighborhood Business. Doug previously or currently owns, partners with and/or serves as a board member/consultant for one other hospital, a top 25 US home builder, regional contractor, environmental management company, electronics manufacturer, national engineer staffing/IT company, regional car wash chain, real estate investment company and national corporate advisory services company. Doug was recognized by his High School as a distinguished alumnus, his University as an Honorary Doctor of Humanities and by the Leading industry publication as one of the 25 Most Influential Auto Fleet People of the 20th Century.